Analysis of Chia Seed’ –Physiochemical and Proximate Analysis
Author Affiliations
- 1Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Puducherry, India
- 2Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Puducherry, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 5, Issue (8), Pages 39-41, August,2 (2016)
Chia Seed one of nature superfood, little gems swell to keep feeling fuller for longer, low in calories, and can be adapted in flavour. Chia gel can be easily extracted and have great potential in food product development. The gelling of the seeds as combination of soluble and insoluble fibre slow the conversions of starches into sugars when eaten. The swelling and gelling of the seeds also helps with digestion through the colon. The seed contain from 25% to 40% oil with 60% of comprising omega-3 Alpha Linolinic Acid and 20% of omega-6 Linoleic Acid. Chia, the richest plant source of complete protein and packed with anti-oxidants, great for banishing free radicals. The tiny seed good aids for digestion, especially in the hotter climates and reduces body temperature, also assist in controlling the appetite and regulating blood sugar levels. Chia means strength and powerful nutritional punch, are loaded with fiber, protein, fat and various micronutrients. Due to these properties, nutritive and physiochemical characteristics of chia was analysed. A common dosage recommendation is 20 grams of soaked chia seeds twice per day.
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