Effect of Trunk Muscles Stabilization Exercises and General Exercises on Pain in Recurrent Non Specific Low Back Ache
Author Affiliations
- 1Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Rajasthan, INDIA
- 2 Kapoor Medical Center, Narayana, New Delhi-110028, INDIA
- 3 PDM Group of Institutions, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, INDIA
Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (6), Pages 23-26, July,28 (2013)
To study the effect of trunk muscles stabilization exercises and general exercises on pain on recurrent non specific low back ache. A total number of 80 patients with recurrent non specific low back pain are allocated randomly into 1 of 2 groups; control group received general exercise only (n=40) and experimental group received specific stabilization (n=40). Both groups received 6 weeks exercise intervention with 30-40 min per session, thrice per week and written advice. A VAS scale was used to measure pain. Outcomes were measured before and after intervention. Outcome measures for both groups showed significance in reducing disability The calculated t-values for the VAS showed a significant variation at p=0.00. It showed that there is fulfilled improvement in post test VAS values when compared to pre-test VAS values in both the groups. The mean improvement in the group II that received core strengthening is higher when compared to the group I that received conventional exercise program. The calculated p value showed a significance of difference in improvement at p=0.015, which indicates that experimental group has higher gains in improvement in VAS than the Control group. This shows that mean improvement in the group II that received core strengthening is higher when compared to the group I that received conventional exercise program. This study concludes that specific stabilization exercise is beneficial in reducing pain and improved function in chronic non specific low back pain.
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