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Community radio in rural development in Northeastern Ghana: the experiences of radio Gaakii in the Saboba district

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Communication, Innovation and Technology, Faculty of Agribusiness and Communication Sciences, University for Development Studies, Tamale-Ghana, Post Office Box TL 1882 Tamale, Northern Region-Ghana
  • 2Department of Communication, Innovation and Technology, Faculty of Agribusiness and Communication Sciences, University for Development Studies, Tamale-Ghana, Post Office Box TL 1882 Tamale, Northern Region-Ghana

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 7, Issue (5), Pages 1-12, May,14 (2018)


This research paper draws on the theory of development communication to explore the relationship between community radio broadcast and community development in Northern Ghana. It traces the history of development communication practice in Ghana and its application in Ghana's rural development efforts. The study draws attention to the special role of radio in development work by analysing the programming styles and formats of Radio Gaakii and its impacts on the community's development drive. The paper also explored areas of community concern most addressed by radio Gaakii broadcast. The study adopted the qualitative approach in its design and employed in-depth interviews in its data collection. One significant findings of this study is that, the general programming style and format of Radio Gaakii's broadcast contents are practically aimed at responding to the felt needs of the communities it serve. Socio-cultural issues were found to be the primary concern of the listening community that the Station has addressed most since its inception in 2011. The station also made giant strides in the areas of agriculture, health and sanitation, women and youth empowerment. A key recommendation the study made is that, Ghana's Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development should take steps at mainstreaming CRB model into Ghana's local government system by supervising the setting-up of CRS in every district capital (especially those considered rural and without community radio stations) in a non-partisan manner, with coverage reaching all communities within the district. This, it is believed will facilitate social communication and development among rural populations of Ghana.


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