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Using a learning cycle model to improve grade ten students´ conceptions of simple electric circuit

Author Affiliations

  • 1Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Bhutan
  • 2Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Bhutan
  • 3Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Bhutan

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 8, Issue (4), Pages 31-39, October,2 (2019)


The purpose of this study was to improve tenth grade students´ understanding of simple electric circuit using a learning cycle model. A research instrument that composed of fifteen-items multiple choice used by Wainwright24 to explore the persistent misconceptions of electricity was adapted for this study. Since improvement was at the heart of this study, an action research approach was employed for a period of over 8 weeks. Based on the idea of purposeful sampling (N=28), a multi-method approach such as observation techniques, questionnaire and focus group interview were used for the data collection. Using a data triangulation, the findings indicated that the students possessed limited conceptions of simple electric circuit. A majority of the students who revealed to have `no concept´ during the baseline data collection showed an astonishing shift to a category of having `full concept´ after the post-intervention of learning cycle model. A significant affirmative link between the observation and pattern of interview transcripts that were in support of the questionnaire data indicated the positive impact due to the learning cycle model in enhancing students´ understanding of simple electric circuit.


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