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Morpho-physiological and Yield responses of Black gram (Vignamungo L.) and Green gram (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes under Drought at different Growth stages

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur-784028, Assam, Indian

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 5, Issue (2), Pages 43-50, February,2 (2016)


This study was carried out to evaluate the response pattern of black gram (Vignamungo L.) and green gram (Vigna radiate L.) genotypes under water drought stress imposed at vegetative, early reproductive and pod filling stages on the basis of morpho-physiological traits and yield. Four commonly grown genotypes- T9, KU 301 (black gram) and Pratap, SG 21-5 (green gram) were arranged in randomized block design with three replications. Drought stress was found to have significant inhibitory impact on all the studied traits. Positive correlation of seed yield was obtained with relative leaf water content, plant height, leaf number, leaf area and shoot: root biomass. Early reproductive stage was proved to be the most critical for drought stress as it greatly reduced seed yield (T9-31.28%, KU 301- 48.52%, Pratap-37.12%, SG 21-5- 56.98%). Among the studied genotypes, T9 and Pratap were identified as drought tolerant with higher values of DTI, RP, MP and HI.


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