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Effect of Occupational performance Visuo-Auditory imitation Intervention (OPVAII) on Visual perception among children with Autism: Pilot study

Author Affiliations

  • 1Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Campus, MALAYSIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (12), Pages 1-6, December,2 (2015)


The children with autism have deficit in visual perception (VP) which affects their ability in occupational performance area. Imitation is also one of the deficits among autism. A new intervention Performance Visuo-Auditory Imitation Intervention (OPVAII) was developed to improve visual perception for children with autism. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the Occupational Performance Visuo-Auditory Imitation Intervention to improve visual perception among autism. A total of 5 participants consist of 4male and 1 female participated on 10 week intervention. A pre and post test was done to measure the participant score on visual perception using DTVP-2. There was significant effect (p0.05) on visual perception in children with autism. There was an improvement seen among autism in visual perception. In the future, a larger sample of autism children can be done on this study.


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