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The Position and Problem of Public Policy in Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

Author Affiliations

  • 1Research scholars in International Trade Law, Department of law, University of Mysore, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (12), Pages 92-98, December,2 (2014)


The public policy as an inconsistent, unpredictable and dynamic political tool is against the enforcement of awards in judicial activity’s framework. The unambiguous and uncertainty of public policy, clearly run the big risk of impinging upon Indian arbitration as an effective method of dispute resolution. Due to this fact, Indian legislator should dispel many of doubts with regard to the scope of public policy and a transparent distinction should be made among all types of public policy. Probably, it would have been safer if the phrase “rules of morality” had not been in the Indian legal system, in order to avoid any controversy over its interpretation. The methods which are used in this study are descriptive and comparative research methods. The sources of this paper are based on the most recent commentary, research articles, books, international institutional and court decisions that were reported and referenced in selected international and regional journals.


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