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Modeling Romanian Consumers' Behaviour Case study: Cause-related Marketing Campaigns

Author Affiliations

  • 1Faculty of Marketing, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 1, Issue (10), Pages 27-32, October,2 (2012)


Although in other countries, cause-related marketing is a very familiar concept, in Romania, the existing literature shows that there is relatively poor understanding and little if any research or evidence as to its potential. Therefore, this study provides an empirical, valuable step, towards understanding cause-related marketing campaigns and their impact on stakeholders. The methodology included two analyses: one regarding the validity of the sample and, the second, regarding the impact generated on cause-related marketing campaigns. The results reveal that there is a significant relationship between cause-related marketing campaigns and the impact generated on the corporations, non-profit organizations and consumers. Results also confirm that it is more likely that a corporation will impact a cause-related marketing campaign rather than a non-profit organization. To conclude, this study offers a better understanding of the cause-related practices in Romania, their impact on consumers, as well as their contribution to the welfare of society.


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