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Equitable Estates and Management Policy (Analysis of the Benefit and the Primary side, Product marketing Palm oil plantation in Riau Province)

Author Affiliations

  • 1University of Riau, INDONESIA
  • 2University of Andalas Padang, INDONESIA

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 5, Issue (6), Pages 73-78, June,18 (2015)


The research about the development of equitable estates namely "how the realities of development policy and management aspects of the expediency of plantation and marketing the main production, the production of oil palm plantations on the sideline Riau Province?", has indeed not fair or equitable to plantation companies, State companies and private people's estates (the subject of the estate)?. What are the implications of these policies and how rekonstruksinya?. Using analysis of inequities among others; aspects of marginalization; aspects of monopoly;aspects of domination. The data collected from the relevant documents, the estate of the subject on the existing development pattern 5. The results of research on policy and management plan of the estate there is no provision governing the distribution of primary production and marketing expediency, sideline production and plantation estates subject to all. On the implementation of the policy has memarginalisasikan, monopolize and dominate people's peasant farmers and not the plasma plasma plantations, have implications for the strengthening of marginalization, the existence of a monopoly and dominance of State/private plantation companies, ignoring people's contribution as plasma plantation farmers (partnership), terpentalnya farmers self help from welfare. Reconstruction of a plantation development policy that is equitable; the reduction of the Power of domination; Strengthening economic democracy towards monopoly; strengthening of the rights of a subject/estate against marginalization and; strengthening of the obligations of Government to the prosperity and well-being of people's estates.


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