Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X Vol. 4(1), 20-25, January (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 20 Natural Bond Orbital Analysis of the Bonding in Complexes of Li with AmmoniaFrançoise Diendere, Issaka Guiguemde and Abdouraman Bary Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, de Radiochimie et d’Electrochimie (LACARE), UFR/SEA 03 BP 7021 Université de Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASOAvailable online at:, Received 8th December 2013, revised 19th December 2013, accepted 10th January 2014Abstract The gas phase interactions of lithium with ammonia are studied by the DFT/B3LYP method. The calculated dissociation energies to Li and NH3 of theoptimized tetrahedral complexes Li(NH and Li(NH+ are 57.7 and 127.4 kcal.mol-1 with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set and show that they are stable compounds. Addition of diffuse functions on Li leads to 65.9 kcal.mol-1 for Li(NH . Natural Bond Orbital analysis of the bonding of Li and Li with the ligands has been done by computing the second order perturbation energy. One finds that the interactions that stabilize these complexes involve delocalization of charge from the lone pairs of the NH molecules into Rydberg orbitals of the metal. Then for Li(NH, a backwards donation of charge from the singly occupied orbital of Li to the Rydberg orbitals of N and H and to the N-H is observed The results also show Wiberg bond indices of 0.135 and 0.177 for the Li-N bonds in Li(NH and Li(NH+ respectivelywhich suggest that they are not covalent. These systems may be described as strong van der Waals complexes of Lewis acid-Lewis base type. Keywords: DFT/B3LYP calculations, lithium-ammonia complexes, NBO analysis, metal-ligand interactions, strong Van der Waals complexes. Introduction The new crystalline compounds electrides (MLn.e) and alkalides (MLn.M) in which M is an alkali metal atom, L a ligand (cryptands, crown ethers or amines) and n a coordination number, display interesting physical and chemical properties1,2,3. Their study has opened a new area of research and given the opportunity to pursue investigations on metal-ammonia complexes. It has been shown that the species found in these solid ionic systems are similar to those found in mixtures that contain metal (alkali, alkaline earth, Eu or Yb) and polar non aqueous solvents such as ammonia, polyamines and polyethers. Experimental and theoretical work has quite well revealed the nature of these species when metal concentration and temperature change5-8. The properties of lithium-ammonia complexes have been the most extensively studied9-13. Zurek and coworkers did a comprehensive theoretical study on the species that may exist in lithium-ammonia solutions by optimizing their geometries and studying their electron distributions14. Then a relation to observed properties has been done. It is also reported that Li(NH precipitates at 89 K from solutions that contain ammonia and 20 mol percent lithium and undergoes phase change as temperature is decreased15,16. Like the very concentrated solution from which it forms, this solid shows metallic character which decreased with the phase change as temperature is lowered. In a recent theoretical investigation on the electronic structure of this compound in the solid state at normal pressure by DFT/PBE and plane-wave basis sets, Zurek et al. have suggested that it is an electride17. The nature of the bonding between the solvent molecules and the metal atom in this complex need therefore to be well elucidated in order to understand its properties. We have recently analyzed the nature of the Na-N bond in the gas phase systems Na(NH and Na(NH by the Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) method and aim here at extending this study to the Li-N bond in the monomer Li(NH considered in gas phase18. Methodology Our study is done at the DFT/B3LYP level with 6-31G(d,p) (also noted 6-31G**) and another basis set noted B that we constructed by using the 6-31+G basis for Li and the 6-31G** for NH19. The geometry optimizations are followed by vibration frequency calculations to confirm that the obtained geometries are minima on the potential surface. The total energies at these optimized geometries include zero point vibration corrections. In order to get insights into the nature of the bonds between Li and the NH molecules, NBO analysis is performed with the NBO collection of codes provided by the Gaussian 03 program, the main program package that we used in the present work20,21. Results and Discussion Geometries and energies: The optimized geometrical parameters for Li(NH and Li(NH are displayed on table-1. In accord with the results of neutron diffraction and other theoretical work, we have considered the complexes where the NH groups surround the metal atom in a tetrahedral arrangement. The computed Li-N bond (2.06 Å with 6- Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(1), 20-25, January (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 21 31G(d,p)) is slightly shorter than that of Li-N (2.12 Å with 6-31G(d,p)) and that reflects the relative strength of the steric repulsions of the NH groups around Li and the smaller Li ion. However as our data show, this does not change significantly the geometry of the ammonia molecules. The dissociation energy of the neutral complex to its fragments Li and NHamounts to 57.7 and 65.9 kcal.mol-1 with 6-31G(d,p) and Brespectively. Our first result is in good agreement with the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) value of 54.06 kcal.mol-1 of Mierzwicki et al. and that of 51.2 kcal.mol-1 of Zurek et al. who used Slater type basis sets14,22. Moreover, it is higher than our previous calculated dissociation energy of 42.5 kcal.mol-1 for Na(NHobtained at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. This predicts that Li(NH is more stable than Na(NH4 18. The data on table-1 also indicate that the corresponding dissociation energies of Li(NHare 127.4 and 124.2 kcal.mol-1. So, our results confirm that Li(NH and Li(NHmay exist in gas phase as stable complexes. It would be interesting to know how the ligand binds to the metal in these systems. The present calculated adiabatic ionization energy of Li(NH is 2.60 eV with 6-31G(d,p) and 3.1 eV with B and is, as expected, smaller than the first ionization energy of 5.6 eV of Li. Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis: The natural charge, spin density and isotropic Fermi contact density calculated at each atomic center are given in table-2. The spin densities and isotropic Fermi contact densities are given by a Mulliken population analysis. The interactions cause polarization of the N-H bonds and transfer some charges on the metal atoms. As expected, the total charge delocalized on Li is significant (0.38 e with 6-31G(d,p), 0.40 e with B) compared to that on Li (0.0069 e with 6-31G(d,p), 0.14 e with B). The calculated spin densities indicate that about 80% of the unpaired electron density remains on Li in Li(NH. In the B description of the wave function, the Fermi contact density is larger at N (0.108 au) but smaller and negative at H (-2.10-5 au). These data are in magnitude and sign in very good agreement with findings of other authors obtained by NMR Knight Shifts measurements and reflect the s character of the wave function of the odd electron of Li at these nuclei23. In our recent study, we have also computed these atomic properties for Na(NH and Na(NHand have made similar observations about the unpaired electron contact densities at N and H18. One may also notice that as expected, the metal-ligand interactions are stronger in the formation of Li(NH because our previous data show that only 0.0019 e is transferred onto Na in Na(NH4 according to the results of the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set compared to 0.140 e onto Li in Li(NH with B. The get a picture of the delocalization of electrons between the amine groups and Li or Li, we have included calculations of the second order perturbation energy E(2) of the occupied NBO(i) of an electron donor which interact with the unoccupied NBO(j) of an electron acceptor. According to the analysis, the stabilization energy E(2) is given by the expression: E(2) = ij = q is the natural population of the donor NBO(i), Fij is an off-diagonal element of the Fock matrix in NBO basis, and are the donor and acceptor NBOs energies. We intend in this analysis to get a clear understanding of the bonding in these complexes and find out what is the nature of the contributing orbitals of the metal and the ligand. Table-3 and table-4 list our results. The data on table-4 are from the wave functions described by B. Table-1 Energies and geometries System E(au) E (kcal.mol-1) Li-N (Å ) N-H(Å ) NLiN(°) LiNH(°) HNH(°) NH, C3V 6-31G(d,p) -56.523324 - - 1.018 - (111.869) 105.747 NH, experim. - - - 1.012 - - 106.7 Li(NH+ 6-31G(d,p) -233.580948 127.43 2.116 1.019 109.471 113.230 105.465 -233.575765 124.16 2.114 1.019 109.471 113.165 105.538 Li(NHd,6-31G(d,p) -233.676211 57.67 2.062 1.024 109.471 111.852 106.989 -233.689490 65.93 2.091 1.022 109.471 112.607 106.162 E(Li)= -7.490985 H and E(Li) = -7.284544 H with 6-31G(d,p); E(Li)= -7.491113 H and E(Li)= -7.284567 H with B Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(1), 20-25, January (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 22 Table-2 Atomic and molecular properties with BSystem Natural charge (e) Spin densities (au) Isotropic Fermi contact couplings (au) Wiberg bond index Li N H Li N H Li N H Li-N Li-H N-H Li 6-31G** 0.0 - - 1.0 - - 0.209 - - - - - 0.0 - - 1.0 - - 0.215 - - - - - NH3V6-31G** - -1.125 0.375 - - - - - - - - 0.861 Li (NH+ 6-31G** 0.603 -1.145 0.415 - - - - - - 0.184 0.0015 0.826 0.620 -1.148 0.414 - - - - - - 0.177 0.0013 0.827 Li (NH4 6-31G** -0.0069 -1.161 0.387 0.762 -0.0222 0.0272 0.0779 0.234 2.5.10-4 0.146 0.0176 0.814 -0.140 -1.170 0.402 0.832 -0.0089 0.0170 0.0207 0.108 -2.10-5 0.135 0.0112 0.820 Table-3 Contribution of donor and acceptor NBOs to the stabilization of Li(NH4 and Li(NH with B. System alpha spin orbitals 6-31G(d,p) B 2 Donor NBO(i) Acceptor NBO(j) Occupancies NBO(i)/NBO(j) (2) (kcal.mol-1) Occupancies NBO(i)/NBO(j) (2) (kcal.mol-1) (a)Li(NH4 Li(NHLP(1)Li LP(1)Li LP(1)Li LP(1)Li LP(1)N LP(1)N LP(1)N LP(1)N BD(1)N-H BD(1)N-H LP(1)N LP(1)N LP(1)N LP(1)N BD(1)N-H BD(1)N-H BD(1)N-H BD(1)N-H BD*(1)N-H RY*(1)Li RY*(1)N RY*(1)H LP*(2)Li LP*(3)Li LP*(4)Li RY*(1)Li LP*(2)Li LP*(3)Li LP*(1)Li LP*(2)Li LP*(3)Li LP*(4)Li LP*(1)Li LP*(2)Li LP*(3)Li LP*(4)Li 0.6957/0.0235 0.6957/0.0099 0.6957/0.0035 0.6957/0.0022 0.9682/0.0386 0.9682/0.0386 0.9682/0.0386 0.9682/0.0099 0.9978/0.0386 0.9978/0.0386 1.9046/0.1644 1.9046/0.0756 1.9046/0.0756 1.9046/0.0756 1.9961/0.1644 1.9961/0.0756 1.9961/0.0756 1.9961/0.0756 6.70 2.21 2.20 0.66 4.23 4.23 4.23 1.05 0.90 0.90 19.86 8.29 8.29 8.29 1.05 1.67 1.67 0.79 0.846/0.0119 0.846/0.0235 0.846/0.0020 0.846/0.0013 0.9684/0.0377 0.9684/0.0377 0.9684/0.0377 0.9684/0.0377 0.9982/0.0377 0.9982/0.0377 1.908/0.1542 1.908/0.0749 1.908/0.0749 1.908/0.0749 1.9962/0.1542 1.9962/0.0749 1.9962/0.0749 1.9962/0.0749 2.76 1.30 0.63 0.58 4.15 4.15 4.15 1.99 0.83 0.83 18.72 8.28 8.28 8.28 1.37 1.66 1.66 0.77 (a)Alpha spin orbitals are considered Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(1), 20-25, January (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 23 Table-4 Contribution of NAOs to selected NBOs for Li(NH4 andLi(NH+ (in brackets) with B NBO NAO %s Li %p Li %s N %p N %d N %s H %p H LP(1)Li 100(2s) - - - - - - BD*(1)N-H 29.35%N;70.65%H - 24.96(2s) 74.97(2pxyz) 0.07 99.89(1s) 0.11(2pxyz) RY*(1) Li 100(3s) - - - - - - RY*(1)N - - 48.0(3s) 51.97(3pxyz) 0.02 - - RY*(1)H - - - - - 94.54(2s) 5.46(2pxyz) LP(1)N - - 24.99(2s) [22.05(2s)] 74.97(2pxyz) [77.92(2p xyz )] 0.04 [0.04] - - LP*(1)Li (or RY*(1) Li) [100(3s)] - - - - - - LP*(2)Li - 100(3p) [100(3p x )] - - - - - LP*(3)Li - 100(3p) [100(3p y )] - - - - - LP*(4)Li - 100(3p) [100(3p z )] - - - - - BD(1)N-H 70.65%N;29.35%H [70.78%N;29.22%H] - - 24.96(2s) [25.95(2s)] 74.97(2pxyz) [73.98(2pxyz)] 0.07 [0.07] 99.89(1s) [99.89(1s)] 0.11(2pxyz) [0.11(2pxyz)] As one can see from our data on table-3, the most stabilizing interactions in Li(NH involve the LP(1)N (the lone pair of the ligand) with unoccupied antibonding NBOs (noted LP*(1,2,3,4)Li) of Li. Values of E(2) as high as 19.9 kcal.mol-1are observed. Other interactions occur between the occupied BD(1)N-H (N-H) with those same antibonding orbitals on Li+ and the values of E(2) range from 0.8 to 1.7 kcal.mol-1. Not listed on table-3 are weaker interactions in which NBOs described by the core orbital of N and these same empty NBOs of Li+ are involved. The results on table-4 indicate the nature of the Natural Atomic Orbitals (NAOs) of Li, N and H which contribute to the formation of the interacting NBOs. The lone pair of the ligand (LP(1)N) is a 2s2pxyz hybrid on the N atom while N-H is a 2s2pxyz hybrid on N mixed with the 1s of H and polarization functions of both atoms. The LP*(1)Li is solely its 3s orbital while LP*(2,3,4)Li are its 3pxyz orbitals. It is interesting to note that the 2s and 2pxyz of Li are not used in the description of these NBOs. One may also observe from table-3 and table-4 that in the case of Li(NH, these same NBOs are mainly involved in the interactions of Li and NH with E(2)values of 0.83 to 4.15 kcal.mol-1 in the description of the wave function by B. Besides, other important stabilizing interactions occur between the singly occupied orbital of Li (LP(1)Li) and the unoccupied N-H ( BD*(1)N-H) in addition to Rydberg orbitals on N and H. The stabilization energies are 0.6 to 6.7 kcal.mol-1LP(1)Li is mainly the 2s orbital of Li mixed with its 3s (RY*(1)Li) as shown by their interaction energy of 1.30 kcal.mol-1. For N-H (BD*(1)N-H), a 2s2pxyz hybrid on N mixed with the 1s of H and polarization functions on these atoms are also used. RY*(1)N is a 3s3pxyz hybrid of N and RY*(H), a 2s2pxyz hybrid of H. So, in Li(NH, the singly occupied NBO may result from mixing the 2s and 3s orbitals of Li with the N-H and Rydberg orbitals of N and H and is expected to be quite diffuse. With such description of the wave function of the singly occupied NBOl of Li(NH4, one may understand our results such as the relative magnitude of the electron contact densities at the nuclei and the decrease in ionization energy from Li to Li(NH. The non negligible contributions of the 2s and 3s orbitals of the N atoms in this wave function reinforce the presence of the electron at these nuclei. Their mixing with the 2s and 3s orbitals of Li would also give to this NBO a spherical character and render Li(NH4 a pseudo-alkali metal. The H nuclei may be near a node of the pseudo-spherical NBO which also uses the 2p orbitals of these atoms. Therefore, as NH approaches Li, there is charge delocalization from either side: from the lone pair of the ligands onto the 3s and 3pxyz orbitals of Li and then from the singly occupied orbital of Li described here as a combination of its 2s and 3s orbitals onto the unoccupied N-H and Rydberg orbitals of N and H. The computed Wiberg bond indices given on table-2 indicate a value of 0.135 for the Li-N bonds in Li(NH and 0.177 for those bonds in Li(NH. They are relatively small and suggest Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(1), 20-25, January (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 24 that the Li-N bonds in these clusters are not covalent. These systems might just be described as strong van der Waals complexes of the Lewis acid-Lewis base kind. The interaction energy of Li(NH may have electrostatic contributions due to the large dipole moment of NH (1.85 D in our work). However this electrostatic part should be small in the formation of Li(NH given that a small amount of charge is shared by the ligands and Li according to our results. Conclusion We have done a theoretical investigation of the gas phase interactions of lithium with ammonia by DFT/B3LYP. The dissociation energies of Li(NH and Li(NH+ to Li and NH3 at theoptimized geometries are 57.7 and 127.4 kcal.mol-1 with the 6-31G(d,p) basis set. When diffuse functions are added on Li, the dissociation energy amounts to 65.9 kcal.mol-1 for Li(NH. The calculated Fermi contact densities at the nuclei agree in magnitude and sign with experimental results. NBO analysis of the bonding between Li and Li with the ligands has been done by computing the second order perturbation energy. The results show that the interactions that stabilize these complexes involve delocalization of charge from the lone pairs of the NH molecules into Rydberg orbitals of the metal. Then for Li(NH, a backwards donation of charge from the singly occupied NBO to the Rydberg orbitals of N and H and to the N-H is observed The Wiberg bond indices are 0.135 and 0.177 for the Li-N bonds in Li(NH and Li(NH+ respectivelyand suggest the non covalent character of these bonds. These systems may be strong van der Waals complexes that result from interactions of electron donors and acceptors. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Pr Jean-Marc Sotiropoulos and the members of his research group at the CNRS of Pau in France for their contribution to this work and to our Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education for financial support. References 1.Dye J.L., DeBacker M.G., Physical and chemical properties of alkalides and electrides, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 38(1), 271-299 (1987)2.Dye J.L., Electrons as anions, Science, 301(5633), 607-608 (2003) 3.Dye J.L., Electrides: early examples of quantum confinement, Acc. Chem. Res, 42(10), 1564-1572 (2009)4.Dye J. L., Electrides and alkalides - Comparison with metal solutions, J. Phys. IV, Colloque C5, Supplément au J. Phys.,1(1), 239-282 (1991) 5.Solutions Métal-Ammoniac: Propriétés Physico-chimiques Eds.: G. Lepoutre, M. J. 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