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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality and its Suitability for Drinking and Agriculture use in Parts of Vaijapur, District Aurangabad, MS, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Post Graduate Department of Geology, Institute of Science, Caves Road, Aurangabad-431004, MH, INDIA

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 25-31, January,18 (2012)


This study was conducted to evaluate factors regulating groundwater quality in an area with agriculture as main use. Fifteen groundwater samples have been collected from Vaijapur taluka of Aurangabad district. The Vaijapur taluka of Aurangabad district covers an area of approximately 1510.5 km and underlain by the Deccan Trap lava flows of upper Cretaceous to Eocene age. Rapid development in recent years has led to an increased demand for water, which is increasingly being fulfilled by groundwater abstraction. A detailed knowledge of the water quality can enhance understanding of the hydrochemical system, to achieve this; a hydrochemical investigation was carried out in the study area. Groundwater samples were chemically analyzed for major physicochemical parameter in order to understand the different geochemical processes affecting the groundwater quality. The analytical results shows higher concentration of total dissolved solids (26.66%), electrical conductivity (26.66%), chloride (33.33%) total hardness (60%) and magnesium (86.66%) which indicates signs of deterioration as per WHO and BIS standards. On the other hand, 40% groundwater sample is unsuitable for irrigation purposes based on irrigation quality parameters. The study revealed that application of fertilizer for agricultural contributing the higher concentration of ions in aquifer of Vaijapur.


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