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Cultural Communication Strategy in Maintaining: The Malay Identity of Riau, Indonesia

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Communication, Social and Political Science Faculty, University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 5, Issue (6), Pages 1-4, June,14 (2016)


This study examines how the Malay cultural identity can be maintained through several strategies. This condition is very important to note or be the responsibility of the community, given the Malay culture dealing with the development of an increasingly globalized culture and the challenges of social change. The challenge is the culture that supported capitalism, markets and global forces cause local culture eroded and lost if not maintained and preserved. This study aims to explain the actions of the Riau people in exploring local cultural values and cultural symbols in discovering the Riau identity. The discovery in order to maintain the local culture of the threat of foreign culture and globalization in the future. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, which produces descriptive data. The data collection was done by free interviews with a number of informants by purposive sampling, in addition it was also done in-depth observation, documentation and library research. The results showed that the cultural communication strategy has been done by almost all elements of society in almost all aspects of Malay culture, such as ideas, cultural activities and results. Directing contact with the elements of society in the activities and results of culture such as cultural events, tourism, and the arts is the effective enough strategy. The new government can perform optimally defense, if continually renegotiating strategies and formulas to get the deal that suits Malay idealism on the one hand and the demands of the times on the other side.


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