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Ichtyofaunal Diversity of the Rigth bank of Congo River (Pool Malebo), Congo

Author Affiliations

  • 1Laboratory of Animal Biology Research and Ecology, ENS, University Marien Ngouabi, PoB 69 Brazzaville, CONGO
  • 2 Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University Marien Ngouabi, PoB 69 Brazzaville, CONGO

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 3, Issue (2), Pages 36-47, February,22 (2014)


The present study was carried out in three stations (Kintele, Chacona and Port Leon) of the right bank of Congo River (Pool-Malebo) from January 2010 to December 2011. Monthly variations of physicochemical parameters and fish fauna diversity were observed. Among physiochemical parameters measured, conductivity and Total Dissolved Solid(TDS) varied following stations and months. 19317 specimens identified belonging to 165 species, 60 genera, 19 families and 8 orders. Shannon diversity index and equitability vary following prospection site and season. The relative specific abundance varies also following station and season. The most abundant species were Micralestes acutidens (16%)atKintele (station1),Ctenochromis polli (15%)andClypeobarbus pleuropholis(14%) at Chacona (station 2). Clypeobarbus pleuropholis (35%) dominate the collection of Port Leon (station 3). The present study will provide a database for conservation and fisheries departments to help them for a good management of icthyofauna conservation of Congo River.


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