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Hydrological Characterization of a Whitewater Lake at Amazonfloodplain - Brazil

Author Affiliations

  • 1Laboratory Study of Amazon Ecosystems, Federal University of Western Pará, Av. Marechal Rondon s/n 68040-070 Pará, BRAZIL
  • 2 National Institute of Research of Amaznonian, Av. André Araújo 2936, 69060-001 Amazonas, BRAZIL
  • 3Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences, Federal University of Pará, Av. Augusto Corrêa n. 1, BRAZIL

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (8), Pages 44-53, August,22 (2013)


Hydrological aspects were carried out on a spatial-temporal series in six sampling sites in a whitewater lake in Solimões River basin at the Central Amazonian - Brazil between 2004 and 2009. Bathymetry and morphometric relations, wind velocity, temperature, pH, conductivity, total density and ionic balance in vertical and horizontal profiles were investigated. Weak thermal stratification was observed with mean temperature in the surficial layer of 27.90.32ºC and in the bottom of 26.00.43ºC. EC tended to decrease from Solimões border to internal lake with mean of to surface and of to the bottom. Daily polymictic processes destroy the thermal stratification inducing complete vertical mixing of the water column, and components as flood-pulse, winds, morphometry and macrophytes banks influenced the mixture. Ions levels were distributed HCO+CO2-&


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