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Effect of Cadium Chloride on the Biochemical content in different Tissues of the Freshwater Fish Ophicephalus striatus

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Zoology, Indira Gandhi (SR) College, Cidco, New Nanded. 413603, MS, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 1, Issue (7), Pages 55-57, November,10 (2012)


The effect of cadmium chloride on the fresh water fish ophicephalus striatus was assessed. The 96 hours Lc50 of the cadmium chloride was found to be 0.63 mg/lit. The fishes were exposed to the experimental concentration of cadmium chloride for 96 hours. After the control 96 hours exposures the glycogen levels were estimated in the muscles, gill, liver, kidney and heart. In the present investigation it clearly indicates that very adverse effect of cadmium chloride on fish. Kidney is the major target organ which shows the maximum reduction of protein level following to the liver but the total free amino acid level increased significantly.


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