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The Impact of Wastewater Irrigation on the Vertical transfer of Metals in soils and to Plants

Author Affiliations

  • 1 École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, Laboratoire de Radio-Analyses et Environnement, ENIS, BP W, 3038 Sfax, TUNISIE
  • 2 Cerema, Département Laboratoire de Clermont-Ferrand, 8-10 rue B. Palissy 63017 CLERMONT-FERRAND Cedex 2, FRANCE
  • 3CRDA-Sfax, Rue Commandant Bejaoui, 3018 Sfax, TUNISIE
  • 4 École Nationale d´Ingénieurs de Sfax, Laboratoire Eau, Energie, Environnement, ENIS, BP W, 3038 Sfax, TUNISIE
  • 5Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Limoges, Groupement de Recherches Eau Sol Environnement, 123 av. A. Thomas 87060 Limoges Cedex, FRANCE

Int. Res. J. Earth Sci., Volume 3, Issue (1), Pages 46-53, January,25 (2015)


The irrigation with treated wastewater (TW) may affect the vertical mobility of chemical elements both in irrigated soils and crops. This study explores the opportunity of using of enrichment factors (EF), usually calculated to detect pollution levels, to assess the vertical transfers of elements in soils irrigated with TW. Soil samples have been collected along pedological profiles drilled in a field irrigated with treated wastewater for over 15 years and in control area. Olives and olive leaves samples were taken from trees grown near the soil pits. The contents of the major and metal elements were determined on plant and soil samples by AAS and ICP-MS, respectively. The Examining of EF evolution highlights anthropogenic inputs of Cu, Cr and Zn. These metals tend to accumulate mainly in the top layer of the irrigated soil. In the same way, the EF indicates that Cu and Cr have migrated to the top of the olive trees. Thus, the metal contents found in olives and leaves are statistically greater in the trees irrigated with treated wastewater than those not irrigated. Although the low concentrations of metals in the TW and in soils, long-term use of these waters for irrigation has affected the vertical metal mobility. The long-term risks of accumulation of potentially toxic metals (such as Cr) are emphasized by the EF calculation. This last can, in the same way, allow the assessment of risk of sodium transfer to the water table.


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