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Optimum Seed Rate for Maximum yield in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Chenkalady, SRI LANKA
  • 2Department of Agriculture, Sammanthurai, SRI LANKA

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 3, Issue (11), Pages 1-5, December,8 (2015)


A field experiment was conducted at the Rice Research Station at Sammanthurai in Ampara, Sri Lanka to assess the optimum seed rate for maximum yield in rice. This experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated thrice. Five seed rates viz., 3, 5 (recommended), 7, 9 and 10 bu/ha were included in the study which is equivalent to 61.5, 102.5, 143.5, 184.5 and 205 kg/ha respectively. The dimension of each plot was 4m x 3m. The seeds were broadcasted and the seedlings were maintained inaccordance with the recommendation of the Department of Agriculture. The results revealed that the seed rate 143.5 kg/ha significantly increased the leaf area index, the number of panicles/m2, the number of spikelets/m2, percentage of filled grains, 1000 grain weight, yield/ha and harvest index. The highest grain yield/ha was achieved at 143.5 kg/ha. Yield could be increased by 57% by increasing seed rate from 61.5 to 143.5 kg/ha. A further increase in seed rate from 143.5 kg/ha to 205 kg/ha reduced the yield by 35%. However, the correlation between grain yield per hectare with the seeding rate revealed that the optimum seeding rate for maximum yield is 147.9 kg/ha (7.25bu/ac). Under the conditions in this experiment, optimum seed rate for rice yield is 147.9 kg/ha (7.25 bu/ac). So, the seed rate of 147.9 kg/ha (7.25bu/ac) is appropriate for obtaining maximum yield in rice at the Ampara District, Sri Lanka.


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