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Mulching: A Soil and Water Conservation Practice

Author Affiliations

  • 1Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, Mumbai, INDIA
  • 2Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, Mumbai, INDIA
  • 3Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, Wilson College, Mumbai, INDIA

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 26-29, April, (2013)


India being an agriculture country should have a good respect towards conservation strategies especially of water. Already we are suffering from a great stress of water scarcity. Each and every drop of water is important for us but unfortunately because of carelessness, we often waste huge amount of water. One of such practices is over and excessive irrigation. Mulching is a soil and water conserving and weed management practice through soil solarisation also in which any suitable material is used to spread over the ground between rows of crops or around the tree trunks. This practice helps to retain soil moisture, prevents weed growth and enhances soil structure. There are various types of mulching such as surface mulching, vertical mulching, polythene mulching, pebble mulching, dust mulching live vegetative barriers, straw mulching etc. Mulching proves to be beneficiary though increment in soil moisture, reduction in soil erosion, maintenance of soil temperature etc. It helps in improvise in soil structure, soil fertility and soil biological regime. Though also mulching is having many advantages it shows some limitations as it may harbour some pests and diseases. It is not so appreciable in wet conditions. It is little bit difficult to get even mulching on steep lands. Some grass species used as mulch can root and become a weed problem. The present review deals with the discussion of every aspect of mulching and how it has beneficiary effect.


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