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The Longitudinal Tensile Strength Properties of Roots of Sorghum bicolour an important Grain Cereal of Botswana and semi-arid to arid regions of the World

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning, Botswana College of Agriculture Private 0027 Gaborone, BOTSWANA
  • 2Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom, TF10 8NB, UNITED KINGDOM
  • 3Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom, TF10 8NB, UNITED KINGDOM
  • 4Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, United Kingdom, TF10 8NB, UNITED KINGDOM
  • 5Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning, Botswana College of Agriculture Private 0027 Gaborone, BOTSWANA

Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., Volume 1, Issue (11), Pages 9-15, December,8 (2013)


The study was carried out to determine the longitudinal ultimate tensile strength (uprooting force) of the roots of sorghum bicolor, an important staple food in the semi-arid to arid parts of the world. The mean ultimate tensile strength of the sorghum roots was 893N. Different varieties namely Prime silo, Mundy, Mr-Buster-Thiram and Birdgo had varying ultimate root tensile strengths. The ultimate tensile strength of variety Prime silo of 1323N was significantly higher than those of Birdgo and Buster-Thiram at 511N and 725N respectively. Mundy at 1013 N was not significantly different from Prime-Silo or Mr Buster Thiram, however it was significantly stronger than Birdgo. The soil moisture condition has no effect in the ultimate tensile strength of the sorghum roots.


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